
1. Local revenue

This is collected through direct taxes (e.g. property tax) and municipal charges.

2. Other revenue sources

The municipal budget receives other revenue, mainly from Spain’s central government and the Madrid regional government.

3. What is it used for?

The City Council uses the municipal budget to maintain public services and the city’s infrastructures.

Revenue and Expenditure at City of Madrid


Budget data for

  • Actual total
    • Revenue

    • Expenditure

  • Budgeted total
    • Revenue

    • Expenditure

  • Non-financial subtotal
    • Revenue

    • Expenditure

  • Current subtotal
    • Revenue

    • Expenditure

  • Capital subtotal
    • Revenue

    • Expenditure

  • Financial subtotal
    • Revenue

    • Expenditure

Budget indicators

Data sources


  • Income and expenditure shown the consolidated budgets of the City of Madrid and its Autonomous Bodies.
  • Inflation is adjusted in January the following year. The annual inflation rate is the year-on-year rate in December.
  • The amounts that appear as budgeted correspond to those of the final budget, that is, the initial budget plus the modifications that have occurred up to the date the data was updated in the application.